There are many ways to actively practice mindfulness and reap the benefits of developing mindfulness. Some of the most basic strategies to cultivate mindfulness include being mindful of just one thing at a time, being nonjudgmental, being mindful of the present moment, focusing attention on your senses, and describing your experience. While these may sound like simple or vague tasks, mindfulness exercises are not always easy. Many people who have engaged in regular meditative practices for decades continue to report moments in which their minds wander away from the present moment or times when they become reactive rather than responsive. This is natural.

Mindfulness is continually developed and strengthened over time, much like an athlete regularly trains or a musician regularly practices. Mindfulness is no different in this way… just like athletes or musicians, experienced meditators do not reach a point when they say, “All done!” We are all works in progress and in order to maintain and sustain positive growth, we must be committed to ongoing self-awareness, evaluation, and practice. There is great danger in believing that one’s personal growth, education, or skill levels have reached the pinnacle. When one believes his or her work is done and growth is complete, there is room for metaphorical weeds to grow and backpedaling. Mindfulness exercises are anything but a task to be completed or a chore to be checked off a list… this attitude would be decidedly unmindful, since it implies disconnection from the present moment.

Mindfulness exercises can be practiced anytime, anyplace, and for any length of time. There is great freedom in developing your personal mindfulness practice. No matter how busy, fatigued, or challenged you feel in the present moment, you are still breathing… right? If you are breathing, you have the opportunity to practice mindfulness. Your breath is an anchor that you carry with you at all times. Simply bringing awareness to your breath and pausing to notice the feelings associated with taking slow deep breaths in and out is making the choice to engage in a simple mindfulness exercise.

Cultivate a State of “Flow”

“A good life consists of more than simply the totality of enjoyable experiences. It must also have a meaningful pattern, a trajectory of growth that results in the development of increasing emotional, cognitive, and social complexity.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Many people have experienced a state of “flow” when they feel alive, fully present, and meaningfully connected…

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“Doing” Mode vs. “Being” Mode

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” – Henry David Thoreau Most of us spend a large amount of our daily lives working towards “doing stuff” and “getting things done.”  We may even become extraordinarily efficient and skilled in our ability to multitask and accomplish…

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Set Your Intentions & Live Deliberately

“Think like a man of action; act like a man of thought.” – Henri L. Bergson Intention is all about purpose.  It is your directed attention and the hopes that you wish to achieve through an action.  If you’re cooking dinner, your intention is likely to eat that dinner.  If you’re driving to work and…

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Dealing with Disappointment

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki We all know the feeling of disappointment.  Sometimes it is experienced as an emotional blow to the stomach, taking your breath away.  Other times it might…

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When Things Don’t Go Your Way

‎”Seek not to have that everything should happen as you wish, but wish for everything to happen as it actually does happen, and you will be serene.” – Epictetus We often find ourselves in situations that we would prefer not to be in.  Perhaps we “planned” on having a fun time and it turned out…

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Mindfulness & Shopping

“But it is a cold, lifeless business when you go to the shops to buy something, which does not represent your life and talent, but a goldsmith’s.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Many people go into a state of mindless autopilot when shopping.  This is characterized by a sense of being numb, going through the motions,…

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Mindfulness Practice for Sleep

“And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created.” – D.H. Lawrence Many people experience difficulties with sleep.  As humans, we have the ability to keep ourselves awake with…

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Dive Into Your Fear & Anxiety

“I am a very old man and have suffered a great many misfortunes, most of which never happened.” – Mark Twain When we avoid fear and anxiety through experiential avoidance, the results can be a sense of disconnection from ourselves as well as an increase in fear and anxiety.  There is no doubt that life can…

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Explore Mindfulness Through Walking Meditation

“The living moment is everything.” – D.H. Lawrence Most of us spend a considerable amount of time walking – to and from appointments, errands, or meetings and walking for enjoyment or exercise.  Since walking is a relatively simple activity that we engage in on a regular basis, it is a wonderful opportunity to integrate mindfulness…

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